Author profile: Bryant William Sculos

Dr Bryant William Sculos is a transdisciplinary international political theorist and currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Dept. of History and Political Science at Worcester State University. He is the co-editor (with Prof. Mary Caputi) of, and contributing author to, Teaching Marx & Critical Theory in the 21st Century (Studies in Critical Social Sciences: Brill 2019/Haymarket 2020). Bryant is also the Politics of Culture section editor for the open-access journal Class, Race and Corporate Power and the founding curator and editor of LeftHooked, published monthly with the Hampton Institute.

Teaching Fiction’s Futures: Pedagogy for Climate-Changed Global Politics

Bryant William Sculos • Mar 18 2021 • Articles

The value of using films and novels is that they give students opportunities to think imaginatively how we might deal with climate politics, organize with others, and eschew cynicism.

Review – Violence and Civilization

Bryant William Sculos • Dec 23 2019 • Features

Linklater provides a historical contextualization of our imagination about the differences between various “civilizations” regarding norms and beliefs about war and harm.

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