Author profile: Chia-Yu Liang and Ferran Perez Mena

Chia-Yu Liang is a Doctoral Student at the department of International Relations at the University of Sussex. His research interests include Chinese IR Theory, Civilisational Politics, Political Theologies, and Comparative Political Thought. Twitter: @CYLiang0331

Ferran Perez Mena is a Doctoral Student at the department of International Relations at the University of Sussex. He is working on the intersection between the production of Chinese International thought, China’s political economy and the expansion of global capitalism. Twitter: @ferranpeme

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and the Return of Civilisational Politics: An American and French Tale

Chia-Yu Liang and Ferran Perez Mena • Apr 27 2022 • Articles

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has emerged in a broader historical context of deglobalisation and a fractured global economy.

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