Author profile: Christoph Sponsel

Christoph Sponsel is a doctoral student in political science at Oxford. His research focuses on social protests and political violence in Latin America. He has worked at the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Bogotá, the German embassy in Quito, and multiple NGOs across Latin America. He holds degrees from Yale, Cambridge, and the Barcelona School of Economics.

Colombia at the Crossroads? The Road Ahead in an Election Year

Christoph Sponsel • Mar 12 2022 • Articles

Colombia is set to elect a new Congress and, soon afterwards, a new president which will indicate whether it will join Latin America’s turn to the left.

Indigenous Conflict Victims and the Growing Tent City in Bogotá

Christoph Sponsel • Dec 18 2021 • Articles

Structural change in rural Colombia and meaningful government action are required to sustainably alter the security and socio-economic situation of indigenous communities.

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