Author profile: Connor Lattimer

The Politics of Surveillance in a Risk Society

Connor Lattimer • Sep 5 2013 • Essays

The War on Terror marked a new security culture of anticipatory surveillance problematic in producing a sense of security that stretches beyond the political realm.

The Future of Geospatial Technologies in Securing Cyberspace

Connor Lattimer • Aug 3 2013 • Essays

Shifts in the threat of crime mean that in the future, cyberspace will be as dangerous as the physical battlefield. Can geospatial technologies de-problematize the ‘cyber’?

The Architecture of Spies

Connor Lattimer • Jul 9 2013 • Essays

The city has always been a resource for power. Predominately, this power has been exercised through the use of surveillance by elites in government, the armed forces and law enforcement agencies.

Flight of the Drone: Geopolitical Analysis of Drone Warfare over the Gaza Strip

Connor Lattimer • May 31 2012 • Essays

This paper critically analyses how the Hermes 450 and UCAVs as objects project political power in territorial conflicts and disputes.

Gaining Entrance to the Network City: Harnessing Economic Globalization in London

Connor Lattimer • Apr 28 2012 • Essays

The failure of sustainable business projects in Hackney projects a particular geography to IPE. IPE would engage with conceptions of unevenness through units of analysis concerned with the authority of cities and networks which impact the individual citizen.

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