Dan G. Cox is a professor of political science at the US Army School of Advanced Military Studies. He is interested in systems thinking, operational art, strategy, and anticipating the future of conflict. He is currently working on a book anticipating future pandemic shocks and their implications tentatively entitled Breaking Point.
As dark as the past two decades for Somalia have been, the stability and development coupled with the demise of Al Shabab and a concerted attack on Somali piracy point to a brighter future.
Instead of dying, the Air/Sea Battle concept has done nothing but pick up steam. The biggest problem with it is that it forces China to feel like enemy number one. Hopefully, they won’t start acting like enemy number one.
Proof of concept programs are, by their very nature, cutting edge experiments funded to enhance the efficiency and morality of the warfare the U.S. Army is charged with conducting. It is unreasonable to assume that these programs will come out of the box perfect.
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