Author profile: Elena Casetta

Elena Casetta is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Education at the University of Turin (Italy), where she teaches Philosophy of Nature and Philosophy of Biology. Trained in theoretical philosophy, she then specialized in philosophy of biology at the IHPST (Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques), CNRS/Paris 1/ENS Paris, and at the Centre for Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. She works mainly on environmental philosophy and the philosophy of biodiversity with a focus on conservation sciences. Her latest books are (with A. Borghini) Brill’s Companion to the Philosophy of Biology (Brill 2019), and From Assessing to Conserving Biodiversity (Springer 2019), edited with Davide Vecchi and Jorge Marques da Silva.

Has Climate Change Ended Nature?

Elena Casetta • Feb 9 2023 • Articles

Considering humans as separate from the rest of nature risks an incomplete view of the current functioning of the biosphere and the misrepresentation of the human role.

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