Author profile: Elina Penttinen and Ada Schwanck

Elina Penttinen, is the principal investigator of the project, Incorporating Vulnerability: a non-fragmented approach to feminist research on violence. She works at University of Helsinki as a university lecturer in Gender Studies. She has published widely on gendered experience of war, compassion-based methodology, globalization and sex-trafficking. Currently she develops feminist analysis on healing trauma from emotionally abusive relationships. She is the author of Gender and Mobility: a critical introduction (2017) Rowman & Littlefield; Joy and International Relations: a new methodology (2013) Routledge, Globalization, Prostitution and Sex-Trafficking: corporeal politics (2008) Routledge. She teaches courses on feminist methodology, scientific writing, gender and culture and supervises doctoral thesis projects in Gender, Culture and Society doctoral program.


Ada Schwanck is a PhD Candidate in  Gender Studies in the doctoral program Gender, Culture, and Society (SKY) at the University of Helsinki. Her PhD dissertation explores narratives of war and its aftermath in contemporary fiction and film at the intersections of race, gender and sexuality. She conducts her PhD project as part of Docent Elina Penttinen’s research project Incorporating Vulnerability: a non-fragmented approach to feminist research on violence. Her main research interests are:  war fiction and film, gender-based violence, feminist war studies, post-humanist and cognitive narratologies.

Understanding the Continuation of Violence in the Texas Church Shooting

Elina Penttinen and Ada Schwanck • Nov 27 2017 • Articles

Violence is part of our society. Recognizing gender-based violence as a global problem challenges IR researchers to pay attention to how it operates in the Global North.

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