Author profile: Flavia Guerra Cavalcanti

Flavia Guerra Cavalcanti holds a PhD in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations (IRI) of PUC-Rio in Brazil. Her Ph.D. thesis dealt with the strategic relationship between the European Union and Latin America from a poststructuralist and postcolonialist perspective, specifically focusing on how European identity was – and continues to be –  constructed through discourses about the Latin American Other. Since 2010, she has been a full-time professor in the International Relations course at the Institute of International Relations and Defense (IRID) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. As a postdoctoral Global Encounters fellow at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Tübingen, she is working on the project “Oceanic Thinking in Migrant Resistance: How the Concept of Wet Ontology Can Destabilize the Fixed Conceptions of Territory and Belonging.”

Review – Disappearances and Police Killings in Contemporary Brazil

Flavia Guerra Cavalcanti • Jun 2 2024 • Features

Sabrina Villenave details the history of policing through colonial mindsets in Brazil, but could do with more philosophical exploration of perceptions of the dead body.

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