Author profile: Grace-Anne Marius

To What Extent Do We ‘Occupy a World of Our Own Making’?

Grace-Anne Marius • Jul 27 2011 • Essays

This essay will critically assess the normative and empirical elements of society, primarily on the international level, which lend themselves to the constructivist brand of theory, focusing largely on the impact of the socio-historical and socio-cultural on state behaviour. It will also address the importance placed on power by Realists and others holding the classical world view.

Radical Islam: both a product of globalisation and a serious challenge to it?

Grace-Anne Marius • Jul 8 2011 • Essays

Radical Islam has come to play a very significant position within the international realm. It has taken terrorism, which was always a weapon of the weak, though usually with little perceived effect, and created what can be seen as a quite considerable challenge to globalisation and the international community.

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