Author profile: Haakon A. Ikonomou

Haakon A. Ikonomou is a tenure track assistant professor at the Saxo-Institute at the University of Copenhagen. Ikonomou has published extensively on the history of international organizations, internationalism, global governance, international bureaucracy, and diplomacy. From 2025 to 2030, he is heading the project INNER_LEAGUE A social-bureaucratic history of the League of Nations Secretariat (ERC Consolidator Grant). Ikonomou is Director of HUM:Global, Co-Director of the Centre for History, Strategy and International Order (CHIOS), and Co-Chair of META-UN.

Creating and Mirroring Monsters: Trump’s America and Europe’s Role in It

Haakon A. Ikonomou • Feb 28 2025 • Articles

Europe seems to be the new “monster” of the US Presidency, but how did this come about?

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