Author profile: Hans-Georg Ehrhart

Dr. Hans-Georg Ehrhart is Senior Research Fellow of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH). He received his M.A. and PhD from the University of Bonn. He has held visiting research appointments at the Research Institute of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Bonn, the Fundation pour les Etudes de Défense Nationale, Paris, the Centre of International Relations at Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, and the EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris. His research activities deal with the broad topic of peace, security, and war.

Opinion – Germany, Europe and Potential Outcomes of the Ukraine War

Hans-Georg Ehrhart • Jan 19 2025 • Articles

Berlin should be careful not to grow into a hegemonic role in the long run because this could entice conflict and the build-up of counter-alliances.

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