Author profile: Intifar Chowdhury

Intifar Chowdhury is an Associate Lecturer at the Australian National University’s (ANU) School of Politics and International Relations. Her doctoral research tackles the important question of whether young people are turning away from democracy. It constitutes a quantitative enquiry on advanced democracies using survey data from comparative databases. Prior to this, she obtained a double degree in Science (Biochemistry/Genetics) and International Relations (Honours) at ANU. Currently, she works as the Senior Survey Research Officer for the longitudinal Post School Destination (GENERATION) Survey, conducted by the ANU’s Centre for Social Research and Methods in collaboration with the Australian Department of Education, Skills and Employment.

Away from Political Parties into Lifestyle Politics: Young People in Advanced Democracies

Intifar Chowdhury • Jul 23 2022 • Articles

Political parties need to revaluate their mission in an age of new media as newer generations replace older members of the electorate.

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