Author profile: James Cole

Terrorism: Realities, Constructs, and Theatre

James Cole • Aug 3 2013 • Essays

In the West, terrorism is largely a constructed threat, originating from the desire to construct identity. Macro-securitized, it is the greatest performance of the 21st century.

Famine and Undernutrition as Security Issues

James Cole • Jul 12 2013 • Essays

Human security is a useful way to study food insecurity, as it moves away from an exclusive focus on the state, whose security does not equate with the security of the individual.

On Post-structuralism’s Critique of IR

James Cole • May 13 2013 • Essays

Post-structuralism challenges IR theory, undermining its foundations of “reality”, supporting the emancipation of marginalised subjects, and allowing new conceptions of “truth” to emerge.

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