Author profile: Jodie Bradshaw

Preventing Apocalyptic Futures: The Need for Alternatives to Development

Jodie Bradshaw • May 4 2024 • Essays

The technocratic, top-down approach of development reproduces a hierarchical ordering of knowledge forms, which subalternises the epistemic forces of everyday actors.

Queer Oppression in the Global South and the Structural Violence of Development

Jodie Bradshaw • Jan 4 2024 • Essays

Development Studies scholars should employ a multi-faceted approach to violence that places social hierarchies at the forefront of its analysis.

Institutionalised and Ideological Racism in the French Labour Market

Jodie Bradshaw • Sep 18 2023 • Essays

Until a critical re-evaluation of the egalitarian approach of French Republicanism is undertaken, the racial hierarchies in labor market will persist.

Frantz Fanon and the Inefficacy of Anti-colonial Violence

Jodie Bradshaw • Feb 27 2023 • Essays

A more effective way of combatting colonial immanent violence is to dismantle the racialised and gendered discourses that make this violence possible.

Exploring Stratification Economics’ Neglect of Intersectionality

Jodie Bradshaw • Jun 2 2021 • Essays

This essay challenges the assumption that identities are fixed, linking gendered and racial binaries to the economic development of Australia with a postcolonial lens.

Have Waltz’s Critics Misunderstood His Theory of International Politics?

Jodie Bradshaw • Feb 1 2019 • Essays

Kenneth Waltz’s incompatible use of a positivist approach has become a major shortcoming of his Theory of International Politics.

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