Author profile: Karen Devine

Karen Devine is a former Chevening, Government of Ireland and Fulbright Scholar. She has authored a number of journal articles on Irish neutrality, and more broadly, the foreign, security, and defence policies of small states within the European Union. Her research interests include the influence of gender dynamics, public opinion and NGOs in international relations and she combines quantitative and poststructuralist approaches to understanding values and national identity as dynamics in public attitudes to foreign policy and the use of force. She teaches Irish Foreign Policy, European Union politics and policy, Gender and Politics and research methods at Dublin City University. She has published articles in peer-reviewed journals such as International Political Science Review, Cooperation and Conflict, Swiss Political Science Review, New Zealand International Review, Irish Political Studies, Irish Studies in International Affairs, and writes articles for numerous non-governmental organisation publications focusing on European Union politics and Irish neutrality.

The Resilience of Irish Neutrality

Karen Devine • Jul 9 2024 • Articles

Four out of five people in Ireland have consistently supported active neutrality as the cornerstone of Irish foreign, security and defence policies.

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