Author profile: Katherine E. Brown

Katherine E. Brown is a Senior Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the University of Birmingham. She specialises in religious terrorism, radicalisation and counter-radicalisation with a focus on questions of gender.

Are Incels Transnational Terrorists?

Katherine E. Brown • Nov 30 2023 • Student Features

Involuntarily celibates (incels) proclaim that feminism has ruined the world such that they are unable to get what they’re entitled to – status and power through sexual relationships with women.

Transnational Terrorism

Katherine E. Brown • Mar 28 2022 • Online resources

Terrorism and terrorists can be transnational in three ways: through their goals, their actions and their organisational form – each of which exposes the dark side of globalisation.

Transnational Terrorism

Katherine E. Brown • Jan 19 2017 • Articles

Terrorist groups are products of their time and, just everyday citizens, live in a globalised world. They are both shaped by globalisation and contribute to it by their actions.

Gender and Countering Islamic State Radicalisation

Katherine E. Brown • Feb 18 2016 • Articles

The women targeted by counter-terrorism polices are denied politics, their agency is reduced to a lack of knowledge, and they are assumed to be rational but ‘misguided’.

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