Author profile: Kazi A S M Nurul Huda

Kazi A S M Nurul Huda is an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Dhaka. He holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Oklahoma, USA. His main philosophical interests lie in epistemology, political philosophy, ethics, and their interconnections. He is also interested in applied philosophical and ethical areas, such as environmental philosophy, development ethics, business ethics, bioethics, and the philosophy of education. His work has been published in journals such as Developing World Bioethics, Business Ethics, the Environment, and Responsibility, Cultural Dynamics, International Journal of Applied Philosophy, and Symposion.

Opinion – The Future of the Bangladesh Awami League

Kazi A S M Nurul Huda • Sep 19 2024 • Articles

The question of whether Bangladesh’s political future will be shaped by language or by goals will define the path to reconciliation in the years to come.

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