Author profile: Lee Jarvis

Lee Jarvis is Professor of International Politics at Loughborough University, UK, Adjunct Professor in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Adelaide, Australia, and Honorary Professor at the University of East Anglia, UK. He is author or editor of sixteen books and over fifty articles on the politics of security, including Times of Terror: Discourse, Temporality and the War on Terror; Anti-Terrorism, Citizenship and Security (with Michael Lister), and Banning Them, Securing Us? Terrorism, Parliament and the Ritual of Proscription (with Tim Legrand). His work has been funded by organisations including the ESRC, the AHRC, the Australian Research Council, and NATO.

Critical Terrorism Studies Today: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?

Lee Jarvis • Jun 13 2024 • Articles

Evolution through an embrace of pluralism and internal disagreement has equipped CTS with both the tools and the appetite to stay resilient and relevant.

After Paris: What Should (Not) Be Done?

Lee Jarvis • Nov 30 2015 • Articles

In the wake of the Paris events, thinking more carefully about the contexts of these terror attacks is a useful start to normalising responses to terrorism.

Al Qaeda in 2012

Lee Jarvis • Feb 18 2012 • Articles

Al Qaeda no longer poses a serious international threat, due to key developments in the strategic, political and public realms after 9/11 which have severely limited its capacity to conduct international terrorism.

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