Author profile: Marcus Schulzke

Marcus Schulzke is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the School of Politics and International Studies at the University of Leeds. He received his PhD in Political Science from the University at Albany in 2013 with a dissertation on how soldiers make ethical decisions during counterinsurgency operations. His primary research interests are security studies, contemporary political theory, and the political dimensions of new media. He has published research on a wide variety of topics in each of these fields, as well as work on politics and religion, applied ethics, and video games.

Video Games and the Simulation of International Conflict

Marcus Schulzke • Aug 1 2014 • Articles

As with other media, games are open to multiple interpretations and can be politically significant in different ways depending on which interpretations they can sustain.

New Atheism and the Politicization of Disbelief

Marcus Schulzke • Jun 10 2014 • Articles

New atheism is an important phenomenon for the study of international relations. It represents an unprecedented effort to challenge the political influence of religion.

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