Author profile: Mark N. Katz

Mark N. Katz is a professor emeritus at the George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government, a global fellow at the Wilson Center, and a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

Intervention vs Non-Intervention in Syria: Assessing Costs and Benefits for the West

Mark N. Katz • Sep 4 2012 • Articles

In the case of Syria, Western policymakers need to focus on, not whether to choose between intervention and non-intervention, but what sort of intervention will minimize costs and maximize benefits.

Syria: Prospects for Transition from Minority to Majority Rule

Mark N. Katz • Jun 16 2012 • Articles

Absent the circumstances that facilitated the transition to majority rule in Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Iraq, the prospects in Syria appear to be extremely poor.

Leaving Without Losing: The War on Terror After Iraq and Afghanistan

Mark N. Katz • Apr 30 2012 • Articles

Just as intervening in Afghanistan and Iraq did not lead the United States to victory, neither will withdrawing from these countries. Although the U.S. is likely to endure negative consequences from its disengagement, withdrawal need not mean defeat.

Yemen: Saleh Has Gone, but His Regime Remains

Mark N. Katz • Feb 2 2012 • Articles

Ali Abdallah Saleh — who first came to power in North Yemen in 1978 and who has ruled over united Yemen since 1990 — has finally left office and left the country. Appearances, though, may be deceiving.

India, China, and Asia’s Growing Presence in the Middle East

Mark N. Katz • Apr 4 2011 • Articles

The East Moves West confirms Geoffrey Kemp’s reputation as a scholar who combines a broad geopolitical vision with an extraordinarily detailed knowledge of the many bilateral relationships between so many Middle Eastern countries, on the one hand, and so many Asian powers, on the other. It will be of great value to policy makers, journalists, scholars and students.

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