Author profile: Mark Piekarz

Dr Mark Piekarz has taught for many years in the fields of adventure, tourism and sport management, presently working at the University of Worcester. The catalyst for conducting research on battlefields and hot war tourism arose from a variety of travel experiences, particularly those that occurred in countries recovering from war, or periods of political instability. The ideas and theories formulated from these initial experiences have been explored in a variety of papers and a doctoral thesis in political risk management.  In relation to war and tourism, he has written the chapters “It’s Just a Bloody Field! Approaches, Opportunities and Dilemmas of Interpreting English Battlefields” and “Hot War Tourism: The Ultimate Adventure Holiday?” in “Battlefield Tourism: History, Place and Interpretation,” edited by Chris Ryan.

Who Wants to Go to a Hot War Zone? The Relationship between War and Tourism

Mark Piekarz • Mar 11 2014 • Articles

While war tourism is not new, analyses that take into account the ‘heat’ of the location and motivations of the war tourist can teach us new things about the phenomenon.

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