Author profile: Michael Quinlan

Michael Quinlan is Dean of the School of Law, Sydney at The University of Notre Dame Australia. Prior to taking up this role in 2013, Professor Quinlan had a distinguished career of over 23 years at the commercial law firm Allens where he was a commercial litigation partner for more than 14 years. Professor Quinlan was a long-time member of that firm’s Pro Bono Committee. His pro bono practice centred around refugee and migration appeals but also involved assisting charities and individuals in need. Professor Quinlan is the Junior Vice President of the St Thomas More Society, a contributing member of the Wilberforce Foundation and of Lawyers for the Preservation of the Traditional Meaning of Marriage. He holds Masters degrees in law and in theology and has a deep interest in the relationship between law and morality and law and religion. His presentations include “How the law in Australia is used and can be used to promote or to harm the Catholic faith.” (Catholics and Law Congress, Turon, Poland November, 2013) and “Religion, Law and Social Stability in Australia” (22nd Annual International Law and Religion Symposium, BYU, Provo, Utah, October 2015). His papers include:”Marriage, Tradition, Multiculturalism and the Accommodation of Difference in Australia,” 18 The University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review (2017) 3; “When the State requires doctors to act against their conscience: the religious implications of the referral and the direction obligations of health practitioners in Victoria and New South Wales” 4 (2016) BYU L. Rev.7, 1237 and “’Such is Life.’ Euthanasia and capital punishment in Australia: consistency or contradiction?” (2016) 6 Solidarity: The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics 1, 6. Professor Quinlan is married to Kate and they have four children Edmund, Brigid, Sinead and Liam.

The Chimera of Freedom of Religion in Australia: Reactions to the Ruddock Review

Michael Quinlan • Jan 21 2019 • Articles

The latest inquiry into religious freedom in Australia, namely the Ruddock Review, concludes that change in this area is likely to remain a chimera for some time to come.

The Meaning of Marriage and Australia’s Postal Poll

Michael Quinlan • Sep 28 2017 • Articles

Changing Australia’s understanding of marriage may have significant implications for religious freedom, freedom of political communication and parental rights.

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