Author profile: Mitja Grbec & Marko Pavliha

Dr Mitja Grbec is the President of the Slovenian Maritime Law Association. He has recently published the book Extension of Coastal State Jurisdiction in Enclosed or Semi-Enclosed Seas: A Mediterranean and Adriatic Perspective.


Professor Marko Pavliha studied law in Ljubljana (Slovenia), Split (Croatia), and at McGill in Montreal (Canada) where he obtained his doctorate under the supervision of Professor William Tetley, one of the world leading experts in maritime law. He practiced law for over ten years in various companies, including a Canadian law firm and Slovenian shipping and reinsurance corporations. He has been Full Professor of Commercial, Transport and Insurance Law at the University of Ljubljana since 2004, and he also taught law in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Australia. He has been a visiting fellow at IMO IMLI in Malta for more than 15 years

The International Court of Justice and the Peru-Chile Maritime Case

Mitja Grbec & Marko Pavliha • Apr 21 2014 • Articles

The ICJ’s decision in the Peru-Chile Maritime Case represents another important stone in the mosaic of what is usually referred to as the Law of Maritime Delimitations.

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