Author profile: Neil Braysher

Sovereign States & State Terrorism

Neil Braysher • Aug 3 2011 • Essays

The German sociologist Max Weber claimed “the state is the form of human community that (successfully) lays claim to the monopoly on legitimate physical violence.” This is essentially a statement about state sovereignty. This essay suggests that while only the most extreme and systemic examples of a state abusing its power could properly be called state terrorism, the concept is not a contradiction in terms when derived from dominant conceptions of sovereignty.

Chinese Nuclear Policy in the Post-Cold War Age

Neil Braysher • Jan 21 2010 • Essays

Chinese nuclear policy serves their grand strategy aimed at maintaining a calm international strategic environment. China’s nuclear policy is inherently defensive and, excluding proliferation concerns, practically benign. However, one should remember that this does not mean it isn’t based on self-interest.

How Should States Fight Terrorism?

Neil Braysher • Jun 3 2009 • Essays

Sun Tzu famously wrote that “If you do not know others and do not know yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.” If we want to fight terrorism, we must understand both state and terrorist; to this end, we should examine how and why terrorism is linked to the state.

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