Author profile: Oleksa Drachewych

Oleksa Drachewych is an Assistant Professor of History at Western University and Lecturer in History at King’s University College. He currently is in the process of completing a manuscript highlighting parallels and links between Soviet atrocities during and after the Second World War and Russian atrocities in Ukraine today. His other research focuses on the history of international communism during the interwar period. He is the author of The Communist International, Anti-Imperialism and Racial Equality in British Dominions (Routledge, 2018) and the co-editor of Left Transnationalism: The Communist International and the National, Colonial, and Racial Questions (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020).

Review – Memory Makers

Oleksa Drachewych • Mar 15 2025 • Features

McGlynn’s timely book expertly unpacks Putin’s use of history to shape narratives but offers limited post-2022 analysis and only briefly explores global parallels.

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