Author profile: Oliver Jones

The European Union: Power and Ethical Goals

Oliver Jones • Dec 20 2010 • Essays

The particular theory of “Ethical Power Europe” is one that has emerged relatively recently as an evolution of the characterisation of the power that the EU wields. The EU is finding it hugely difficult to act in a truly ethical foundation, devoid of self-interest as a primary motivator. Even the consistent location of the External Relations policy of the EU in a framework of Security suggests that the security of the EU that is the primary motivating factor rather than ethical goals

Ballistic Missile Defence in the 21st Century

Oliver Jones • Mar 13 2010 • Essays

Ultimately for a State, the decision to employ a BDM complex does not stem solely from the desire to improve international stability. It instead comes from a desire to improve its own defensive and/or offensive capabilities. Stability has a severe effect on this, but it is up to the leadership of any such nation state to decide whether the costs that come from a destabilised environment outweigh the potential benefits such a capability could provide, both now and in the future.

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