Author profile: Olusola Samuel Oyetunde

Transnational Corporations, State Capacity and Development in Nigeria

Olusola Samuel Oyetunde • Nov 11 2022 • Essays

While TNCs have sometimes acted as development agents in host countries, their developmental contribution is marginal.

Is Dependency Theory Relevant in the Twenty-First Century?

Olusola Samuel Oyetunde • Aug 17 2022 • Essays

Dependency theory explains the inability of Global South countries to take ownership of their national development, supported by a case study in IMF-Nigeria relations.

Neopatrimonialism and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria

Olusola Samuel Oyetunde • Apr 26 2022 • Essays

In the context of democratic stagnation among new democracies, the author explores the features and negative consequences of neo-patrimonialism in Nigeria.

Does Terrorism Work?

Olusola Samuel Oyetunde • Apr 29 2021 • Essays

The response to the question of whether terrorism works depends how the term “terrorism” is defined and what it means for it to “work.”

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