Author profile: Patricia Sohn

Dr. Patricia Sohn, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Florida. She is co-editor of Beyond the Death of God: Religion in 21st Century International Politics, (University of Michigan Press 2022); and author of Judicial Power and National Politics: Courts and Gender in the Religious-Secular Conflict in Israel (SUNY Press 2017 and 2008).

Pacifism, Just War and Civil Liberties in a Multicultural Age

Patricia Sohn • Nov 11 2016 • Articles

I will not fight for my rights, my freedoms or for my place in the political process. All of these are granted either by birth as a human being, or by citizenship.

Explaining the Donald Trump Victory

Patricia Sohn • Nov 9 2016 • Articles

Mark Twain came to mind many times throughout the recent election. I could imagine him rocking in his chair, smoking his cigar, shaking his head, and chuckling.

Income Inequality & Subaltern America: Thoughts for U.S. Election Day

Patricia Sohn • Oct 27 2016 • Articles

The next President of the U.S. is going to have to face the consequences of high levels of income inequality among the grassroots of the American people.

Times of Tumult: Discussing Islam and Feminism

Patricia Sohn • Oct 20 2016 • Articles

Religion, far from being what separates us, may actually be one of the things that we share in common.

Introducing ‘Subaltern States’

Patricia Sohn • Oct 20 2016 • Articles

This new blog focuses on less powerful or marginalized states, peoples, movements, or ideas within their domestic or regional contexts, or within the international system.

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