Author profile: Priavi Joshi

The Violence of Our Imaginations: War, Women, Nation

Priavi Joshi • Jul 31 2023 • Essays

Perception of women as a nation’s reproducers justifies and motivates strategic sexual violence against them in, and even after, ethno-nationalist wars.

A Peaceful Resolution: Analysing Sustained Peace and Order in Mizoram

Priavi Joshi • Nov 26 2022 • Essays

Post insurgency, Mizoram provides a stark exception to the usually politically volatile and unstable post-conflict situations that do not maintain peace.

Repression, Identity and the Promise of Eelam

Priavi Joshi • Oct 12 2021 • Essays

In the Sri Lankan civil war, Tamil women are motivated to join the LTTE due to the suffering caused by state repression – not as simple victims or emancipatory agents.

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