Author profile: Radek Váňa

Dr. Radek Váňa is a researcher specializing in social science theory. He conducted his research at world-renowned universities, including Charles University in Prague, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, and received his Ph.D. in Social Science from University College Dublin, where he focused on theories of international politics. He is the author of the Drive Theory of International Relations, the first universal theory of international politics. During his academic career, Dr. Váňa recognized the importance of communicating science to the public. His book “Relationship Theory: A Scientific Method to Manage Your Relationships” reflects his commitment to bringing the latest social science findings to a general audience.

Opinion – Neutrality: The Schrödinger’s Cat of IR

Radek Váňa • Sep 13 2024 • Articles

The idea of a neutral relation is illogical, and hence we should stop using this term in the International Relations discourse.

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