Author profile: Rajpal Singh Ghataoura

Better Poverty Reduction in Global Governance?

Rajpal Singh Ghataoura • May 2 2009 • Essays

This paper will evaluate and analyse the poverty alleviation strategies manifested by the World Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), explaining how they have converged over time. With the use of case studies it will argue that, whilst it might seem that the convergence has benefited poverty reduction, this is in fact not the case.

“In less developed countries politics and not mineral endowments is at the root of violent conflict”. Discuss.

Rajpal Singh Ghataoura • Mar 24 2009 • Essays

In looking at the cases of Angola, Indonesia and Zaire it can be clearly demonstrated that though minerals are of significance they are only so because of political decisions. The discussion begins with an evaluation of the ‘resource curse’ argument looking closely at its empirical grounding and two main explanatory models: rent seeking and the rentier state. The robustness of this analysis is then questioned and the relationship of mineral resources and politics to the root of violent conflict is assessed through the use of detailed case studies.

“The Most Successful Developing Economies Are Characterised By Greater Trade Openness.” Discuss

Rajpal Singh Ghataoura • Feb 4 2009 • Essays

This paper agrees with the opinion that trade is an essential tool, which helps developing economies industrialise. However by using case studies, empirical data and analysing the adopted polices of the successful developing economies, this paper will support the argument that the most successful developing economies, developed under a more protectionist environment. Having completed this evaluation, the paper will then look at the policy implications of the conclusions made.

The Overarching Dilemma Of Aid Is That It Is Needed Most In Those Countries In Which The Prospects For Its Being Most Effective Are The Poorest. Discuss

Rajpal Singh Ghataoura • Jan 13 2009 • Essays

Donors are distributing foreign aid, to certain poor countries only. The most prominent justification for this policy action is as the statement suggests, ‘the prospects for aid being most effective are the poorest’ in these countries. This paper will ascertain how donors have come to reach this development policy, by analyzing the evolving theories and trends of aid. However it will also suggest that the justification, on which the current policy agenda is set, is not founded upon robust assumptions.

To What Extent Is The Relationship Between Northern NGOs and Southern NGOs Based On Partnership and Free From Local and International Agendas?

Rajpal Singh Ghataoura • Dec 12 2008 • Essays

Through its evaluation supported by case studies, this paper will argue that to an extent the relationship between the two sets of NGOs is based upon partnership. However it will go on to argue that to a greater extent, the relationship between NNGOs and SNGOs is not free from local and international agendas and as a result, the power sharing context of partnership disproportionately favours the NNGOs.

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