Author profile: Scott Mason

The antinomical duality of biopolitical discourse in Agamben, Esposito and Arendt

Scott Mason • May 12 2011 • Essays

In recent years the concept of biopower has become central to the study of the social and life sciences; with numerous interdisclipinary research networks established to investigate the reality of biopower, in relation to subjects as diverse as stem cell research, biotechnologies, and the War on Terror.

How Does Racism Provide a Metric for Biopolitics of Security?

Scott Mason • Jul 7 2009 • Essays

In this essay I will investigate how racism functions as a metric for the biopolitics of security. I will begin by analysing the development of the counter-historical discourse, from its opposition to traditional sovereignty, through to the development of the ‘warring nations’ thesis, and it’s eventual reformulation as a discourse of the state.

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