Author profile: Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters and Dana Gold

Stephen McGlinchey is a Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE Bristol). He is Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of E-International Relations.

Rosie Walters is a Lecturer in International Relations at Cardiff University.

Dana Gold works in regulatory strategy and research for the Ontario Public Service. She was a PhD candidate in Political Science at the Western University between 2012 and 2018.

Introducing the Major International Relations Theories

An introduction to realism, liberalism, constructivism, the English School, Marxism, feminism, postcolonialism and poststructuralism – detailing what they are and why they matter.

Marxism, Poststructuralism and Warfare

Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters and Dana Gold • Dec 5 2023 • Student Features

Marxists believe that war is a tool utilised by capitalists to ensure their power persists, whilst poststructuralists underline the ‘us’ and ‘them’ hypocrisy in warfare debates.

Postcolonialism, Feminism and the United Nations

Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters and Dana Gold • Dec 2 2023 • Student Features

Whereas most coverage of the United Nations paints it as a well-intentioned organisation, critical theories such as postcolonialism and feminism offer a more nuanced take.


Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters and Dana Gold • May 20 2022 • Online resources

As poststructuralists seek to question universal truths and metanarratives, they actively choose not to take ideas as we know them for granted, nor to see certain paths of action as inevitable.


Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters and Dana Gold • May 20 2022 • Online resources

For postcolonial scholars, an important endeavour is to highlight the colonial legacies that created current global inequalities and the neocolonial power structures that reproduce them.


Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters and Dana Gold • May 20 2022 • Online resources

Feminism reflects on international relations’ historical dominance by men and the exclusion, until recently, of the experiences, perspectives and qualities of women. To address this, it works towards a deeper understanding of gender.


Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters and Dana Gold • May 20 2022 • Online resources

Marxists argue that, contrary to the image of global capitalism as a free world, the dominance of the nation-state in the post-Cold War system has led to ordinary people around the globe becoming divided and alienated.

Getting Started with International Relations Theory

The sheer volume of different IR theories should be a warning to you that International Relations still is a young discipline that is undergoing significant formative development.

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