Author profile: Stephen McGlinchey

Dr Stephen McGlinchey is the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of E-International Relations and Senior Lecturer of International Relations at UWE Bristol. His publications include Foundations of International Relations (Bloomsbury 2022), International Relations (2017), International Relations Theory (2017) and US Arms Policies Towards the Shah’s Iran (Routledge 2021, 2014). You can find him on twitter @mcglincheyst or Linkedin.

Human Rights and Sovereignty

Stephen McGlinchey • Dec 8 2023 • Student Features

The global system incorporates human rights in ways that go beyond merely aspirational, gradually challenging the once absolute monopoly on sovereignty held by states.

Mega Dams and the Narmada River

Stephen McGlinchey • Nov 26 2023 • Student Features

Damming is a controversial issue as it can lead to communities losing their land, and cause a series of environmental impacts that affect ecosystems.

Regulating Nuclear Weapons

Stephen McGlinchey • Nov 21 2023 • Student Features

The quest to regulate nuclear weapons gives us one possible answer to the question of why there has not been a third world war.

New Book – Global Politics in a Post-Truth Age

Stephen McGlinchey • Sep 22 2022 • Features

This book brings together ten chapters that reflect upon the state of global, regional and national politics in the twenty-first century within the context of post-truth.

International Relations and the Global System

Stephen McGlinchey • Sep 20 2022 • Articles

International Relations examines everything that concerns how we have organised our world. In addition, it reflects upon our fate by unpacking our shared challenges and opportunities and opening those up to competing viewpoints.

9/11 and the War on Terror

Stephen McGlinchey • Mar 28 2022 • Online resources

The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 led to the United States starting its ‘War on Terror’, seeking to rid the world of terrorists and governments that supported or enabled them.

Introducing Globalisation in International Relations

Stephen McGlinchey • Mar 27 2022 • Online resources

People have always travelled from place to place and exchanged goods and cultural artefacts. What has changed, due to advances in technology and transportation, is the speed and intensity of this process.

Introducing Human Rights in International Relations

Stephen McGlinchey • Mar 27 2022 • Online resources

It is easy to regard human rights as a failure because, much like international organisations, individuals have not become sovereign the way nation-states are. Yet, this is a premature conclusion to draw.

Nuclear Weapons and International Relations

Stephen McGlinchey • Mar 27 2022 • Online resources

It may seem strange but, despite their offensive power, nuclear weapons are primarily held as defensive tools – unlikely to be ever used. This is due to a concept central to IR known as ‘deterrence’.

Sovereignty and the Nation-State

Stephen McGlinchey • Mar 26 2022 • Online resources

When you look at a map of the world all the earth’s landmasses are divided by borders. Each of these are made (and remade) through historical events reflecting the key ordering principle of our global system.