Dr Stephen McGlinchey is the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of E-International Relations and Senior Lecturer of International Relations at UWE Bristol. His publications include Foundations of International Relations (Bloomsbury 2022), International Relations (2017), International Relations Theory (2017) and US Arms Policies Towards the Shah’s Iran (Routledge 2021, 2014). You can find him on twitter @mcglincheyst or Linkedin.
Understanding Iran requires a deeper path of scholarship than simply looking at Iran’s current composition. The books featured here approach Iran in a historical context.
EU studies is a field with an immense range of student-facing textbooks available, and also an ever growing number of texts dedicated to sub-areas such as EU security.
Self-funding a PhD is something that can be wrongly associated with being of ‘lesser’ academic quality. There are actually many advantages to self funding.
The organisation of the various organs of government in the US can seem impenetrable. The books featured here provide an accessible route into US politics and foreign policy.
As violence escalates across the Arab world, many questions remain unanswered. But, the events in Libya, Egypt and elsewhere have absolutely nothing to do with this video.
China and Iran are two states that will cross many students’ paths. Both nations, for different reasons, are at the centre of important contemporary debates in IR.
The Islamic Regime in Iran is one of the most belligerent and distasteful regimes in existence, for all manner of reasons. That is no reason to attack it preventively.
Having looked at the Handbook of IR last Autumn, our first feature of 2012 weighs in on 3 of its sister volumes on Climate Change, Political Science, and Millennialism.
While Rice frequently exercises her right to settle scores and set the record straight, there are no revisions to the controversial foreign policy record of the Bush years.
In an age when IR is governed by theoretical and political science approaches, the validity of engaging with historical and diplomatic archives is more relevant than ever.
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