Author profile: Steven J. Barela

Steven J. Barela is a research and teaching fellow at the University of Geneva in the Global Studies Institute and a member of the law faculty. After initiating his university education in the US, he studied in Madrid, Valladolid, Paris, and México D.F. In addition to his Ph.D. in law from the University of Geneva, he holds three master’s degrees: M.A. degrees in Latin American Studies and International Studies, along with an LL.M. in international humanitarian law and human rights. On top of teaching at the University of Geneva, he has taught at the Korbel School of Denver University, and lectured for l’Université Laval (Québec), Science Po Bordeaux, UCLA, and the Geneva Academy. He published a monograph on counterterrorism with Routledge in 2014 and an edited volume on armed drones with Ashgate in 2015.

The Continuing Russian Campaign to Divide the Democratic Party in the USA

Steven J. Barela • Sep 27 2017 • Articles

Russian bots and trolls are amplifying disinformation in social media. To wit, meddling in US democracy with a seed and feed campaign of divisive messages continues.

Obama’s Bulwark against Torture: Will It Stop Trump?

Steven J. Barela • Mar 15 2017 • Articles

The Obama administration’s two-pronged approach of closing legal gaps and studying effective means of interrogation, in fact, helps illuminate the moral point at stake.

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