Author profile: Tamara Tamimi and Daniela Suárez Vargas

Tamara Tamimi (she/her) is a PhD researcher in Law at Queen’s University Belfast and scholar of the ESRC NINE Consortium (UK). Tamara holds an MA in Human Rights Law from SOAS, University of London. Tamara’s research activity focuses on settler colonialism, transformative justice, forcible displacement, gender equality, and aid effectiveness of overseas development assistance. Tamara has also published extensively in peer reviewed journals and edited collections, including Development in Practice, Al-Shabaka- Palestinian Policy Network, University of Gottingen, and Confluences Méditerranée. Relevant to the topic of this article, Tamara has shared her views through two podcasts: QUB’s LawPod and Activist Lawyer.

Daniela Suárez Vargas (she/her) is a PhD researcher in Law at Queen’s University Belfast (UK) and scholar of the AHRC Northern Bridge Consortium (UK). Daniela holds an LLM from Queen’s University Belfast and is a qualified lawyer from the Universidad del Rosario in Colombia. Her PhD project analyses the impact of victimhood narratives on the recognition of experiences of sexual and reproductive violence of female fighters from non-state armed groups in the context of Colombian transitional justice. Daniela has several publications in Spanish and English on transitional justice, international criminal law, and gender-based violence. Her publications can be accessed here.

Propaganda vs. Truth: Israeli Propaganda and Palestinian Demonisation

Tamara Tamimi and Daniela Suárez Vargas • Feb 13 2024 • Articles

Unless the root causes of Israeli oppression are addressed, this vicious cycle of violence will continue.

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