Author profile: Thomas Houghton

Does positivism really ‘work’ in the social sciences?

Thomas Houghton • Sep 26 2011 • Essays

Although positivism has evolved over the years, at its core several key aspects have remained constant. It is based on a foundationalist ontology, that is, one in which the world exists independently of our knowledge of it, and at its heart is the promise of unambiguous and accurate knowledge of the world which can be arrived at through sensory experience.

Third Party Intervention in Ethnic Conflict

Thomas Houghton • Sep 16 2011 • Essays

This essay is concerned with the motivations that drive states to intervene, and argues that their actions are never wholly disinterested. The scope of this essay will be limited to interventions which third-parties have justified on humanitarian grounds, looking in particular at the case of the NATO intervention in Kosovo in 1999.

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