Author profile: Tom O'Bryan

The Relation of Security To Identity

Tom O'Bryan • Jun 10 2011 • Essays

Security and identity are two concepts that are deeply intertwined on many different levels, and cannot be separated, demonstrating the flaws in the Neorealist position. While identities are intersubjectively constructed and can emerge or disappear over time, they remain relatively fixed entities, and are thus an essential referent object for security.

What Motivates Islamic Political Organisations in the Middle East?

Tom O'Bryan • Jun 2 2011 • Essays

The fact that Hamas and Hezbollah have participated in elections does not necessarily mean that they have abandoned Islamist ideology. The very term ‘Islamist’, or at least its application, is highly problematic. Furthermore, all Islamist organisations are very different, and are constrained by the institutional rules of participation to differing degrees.