Author profile: Wang Yinghui

Maritime Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region

Wang Yinghui • Sep 28 2011 • Essays

Every country must realize that good maritime order is a public good and a common resource, and it is obligatory to make concerted efforts. A country should understand that self-interest and evading multilateral initiatives are “beggar thy neighbor” behaviors, and will not only cause damaging effects by being self-serving, but in the end will damage its own interests as well.

A Comparison between the Indian Navy and the Japanese Navy

Wang Yinghui • Sep 23 2011 • Essays

Both Japan and India are major regional maritime powers in the Asia-Pacific region. Both of their navies are growing in potency and have the ambition to dominate the region, and to become “blue-water” navies which can operate in the high seas. The continued rise of China in naval power introduces a further element into the analysis.

US Navy and Chinese Navy: Partners or Rivals?

Wang Yinghui • Apr 14 2011 • Essays

Because of the deep mutual mistrust from both sides, especially the US concern over China’s military build-up, friction and cooperation will coexist in the development of the China-US naval relationship. Only when political mutual trust reaches a high level, can the military relationship stride forward beyond the stop and go cycle of the last 30 years.

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