
NGOs, Disarmament, and Limits on War Violence

Margarita H. Petrova • Jan 10 2021 • Articles

NGOs are not only agenda-setters working through states and IGOs for norm creation, but also active actors in security governance – taking on new issues and engagements with non-state actors.

Opinion – US Recognition of Moroccan Sovereignty in Western Sahara

John Hickman • Jan 9 2021 • Articles

Audiences would be better informed if journalists abandoned their reluctance to address territoriality of states without coating their reporting in the language of international law.

Political Topology in the Anthropocene: Reconsidering Political Space in Light of Covid-19

Maximilian Lakitsch • Jan 5 2021 • Articles

Humanity seems to be ill-prepared to deal with transnational challenges, whether they concern a virus or the consequences of climate change.

The Articulation of Discourse in Populism: Understanding 21st Century Pakistan

Prashant Rastogi • Jan 5 2021 • Articles

More than an ideology, populism in Pakistan has been utilised as a strategy to mobilise people by conditioning them towards either revolution or reformation via the logic of difference.

Opinion – Lessons from Europe for the UK’s Battle Against Economic Inequality

Andrew Maitland • Jan 3 2021 • Articles

Tackling inequality in the UK will require Government commitment to long term planning as well as the use of inventive policy making to ensure it remains a sustainable policy goal.

Opinion – Israel-Palestine Policy Under Biden

Cindy May • Jan 1 2021 • Articles

While Biden is set to spend much of his early months in office reversing Trump-era policies, Israel-Palestine is one area where change is likely to be more measured.

Cuban Nationalism and the Spanish-American War

Sarah Clifford and Scott N Romaniuk • Dec 28 2020 • Articles

The war was crucial on a national level for the Cubans, Americans, and Spanish, as well as on a global level as it changed the relationships and power structures that had previously existed.

Opinion – Bolsonaro as Antithesis to the Green Growth Agenda

João P. Romero and Fernanda Cimini • Dec 22 2020 • Articles

In the absence of a radical overhaul of existing economic policies, it is unlikely that Brazil will be able to offer any green transformation.

In Search of British Exceptionalism Post-Brexit

Srdjan Vucetic • Dec 22 2020 • Articles

The UK’s political leaders are ultimately interested in the idea and practice of global influence. We should expect to see more of this even in the trying months ahead.

An Unlikely Alliance? Canada-Japan Relations in the Justin Trudeau Years

Sarah Clifford and Scott N Romaniuk • Dec 19 2020 • Articles

Japan offers Canada access to the Asian market as well as protection from the increasing ‘China threat’ which will enhance Canada’s prospects in the future.

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