
A Pessimistic Rebuttal: The Eventual Return of Sino-Japanese Tensions

Lewis Eves • Dec 11 2020 • Articles

Considering the evidence, it is difficult to be optimistic that the Sino-Japanese détente will establish sustained cooperation between China and Japan.

Critical Security Studies Needs to Better Consider the Intricacies of Social Media

Joseph Downing and Richard Dron • Dec 9 2020 • Articles

There is no formula for deciding who on social media rises to prominence as a security influencer in any given context, and influence in this case is ephemeral and short-lived.

Opinion – Are American Policies towards China a Path to Technological Bipolarity?

Mohid Iftikhar and James F. Downes • Dec 9 2020 • Articles

The US-China tech rift has created new challenges and opportunities due to ongoing geopolitical tensions.

Technologies of Truth and the LGBTI+ Asylum Reality

Ricardo Prata Filho • Dec 8 2020 • Articles

The truths that science seek should be viewed with caution by those who implement the rules and have the power to apply their effects to the harsh reality of LGBTI+ people around the world.

Russian Nationalism (Imperialism) and Ukrainian Nationalism

Taras Kuzio • Dec 8 2020 • Articles

Since 2014, Russia has become more nationalistic and chauvinistic, while nationalism in Ukraine has become more civic – and yet some western writing gives the opposite impression.

Overcoming the Coronavirus Debacle in the United States

Eugenie de Silva • Dec 7 2020 • Articles

The lack of importance placed on the integration of politicians, scientists and economists has led to the inadequate and inappropriate handling of the nation’s recovery.

Racism, Crimea and Crimean Tatars

Taras Kuzio • Dec 6 2020 • Articles

Most western historians of Russia see Crimea as always having been Russian and therefore have not fully criticised Russia’s 2014 annexation.

‘No More Morias’: How the World’s Worst Refugee Camp Was Destined to Fail

Henrik Kjellmo Larsen and Eleanor Gordon • Dec 4 2020 • Articles

Rather than acting as a deterrent, Moria drastically affected the security, health and well-being of its residents.

Opinion – Is the Next Middle East War on the Horizon?

Glen Segell • Dec 4 2020 • Articles

The assassination of Iran’s nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh amidst high profile Israeli-Saudi diplomacy may be omens for escalation in the Middle East.

Academic Orientalism in Russia-Ukraine Scholarship

Taras Kuzio • Dec 2 2020 • Articles

The roots of academic orientalism lie in Western histories of Russia and Crimea – political scientists who work on Russia acting as gatekeepers to Russian and Eurasian studies in the West.

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