
Caste, Privilege, and Postcolonialism: Reflections on Decolonising the Curriculum

Shubranshu Mishra • Sep 15 2020 • Articles

The University will be better equipped to handle cases of caste-discrimination in future when we teach caste as a category to understand marginalisation.

Opinion – It’s Time to Redefine Gender Mainstreaming

Katelyn Jones and Olivia Shinners • Sep 14 2020 • Articles

The UN and other organizations need to redefine gender mainstreaming to reflect current knowledge and avoid the creation of more injustices or inequities.

Opinion – The Sino-Iran 25 Years Agreement: Why, and Why Now?

Roie Yellinek • Sep 14 2020 • Articles

An agreement would not only enable Iran to avoid sanctions, but also to pose a serious challenge to US presence in the Middle East.

The Impact of Social Media Hashtags on Human Rights in Zimbabwe

Hoitsimolimo Mutlokwa • Sep 14 2020 • Articles

Pressure is mounting for the Zimbabwean government to respect the rule of law and respond to multiple human rights violations.

The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process: Lessons from Oslo

David J. Wilcox • Sep 14 2020 • Articles

Whilst the peace process remains stagnant between Israel and the PA, there is space, opportunity and a need for below track I ½ and track II discussions to develop.

South Asia and the Indian Ocean Region: An Indian Perspective

Arjun • Sep 14 2020 • Articles

India should take a leaf out of China’s book to counter Chinese expansionist policies while maintaining its own sphere of influence in South Asia and in the Indian Ocean Region.

Opinion – Civil War’s Splinters Indicate a Fractured Future for Yemen

Poornima B • Sep 12 2020 • Articles

Yemen’s seemingly fractured future holds nothing but catastrophe to its people if attempts at seeking a political resolution do not succeed.

Opinion – Bolsonaro’s Green and Yellow Guards

Rodrigo Fracalossi de Moraes • Sep 11 2020 • Articles

The green and yellow guards are the eyes and mouths of a cultural revolution – using ordinary citizens to monitor the behaviour of people and institutions.

Opinion – What the European Union Can Do for Belarus

Kareem Salem • Sep 10 2020 • Articles

Unprecedented protests demand that Brussels approaches the crisis by urging Moscow to engage in dialogue to find a solution in order to prevent a repeat of the 2014 Ukrainian crisis.

Opinion – The Chinese ‘New Left’ as Statist Apologists

Chris Man-kong Li • Sep 9 2020 • Articles

Chinese New Left intellectuals downplay or ignore the loss of personal freedom and political liberties which could serve to whitewash both past and present state oppression and justify authoritarianism.

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