
How NGOs Shape Global Governance

Molly Ruhlman • Sep 9 2020 • Articles

The ecosystem of NGOs has benefited from formal recognition, invitations to become accredited, and an open political structure that has expanded their opportunities to participate.

Trump’s ‘Personalised’ North Korea Policy: 2018–2020 and the Way Forward

Angana Guha Roy • Sep 8 2020 • Articles

A fourth Trump-Kim Summit meeting ahead of the US elections appears unlikely, as does progress towards reaching a balanced agreement.

Power, People and Politics: Understanding the Belarusian Crisis

Elena Korosteleva • Sep 8 2020 • Articles

If we are to understand the Belarus crisis through complexity and resilience-thinking, there is no turning back – only a way forward towards building a self-sustainable community of relations.

Opinion – COVID-19 and the Coming Crisis in America

Alexander Brotman • Sep 7 2020 • Articles

The pandemic is global but the crisis in America is homegrown. It is a reactionary and vindictive struggle for the identity and character of the nation.

The Process of European Integration Through the Lenses of Institutionalism

Albert Hayrapetyan • Sep 6 2020 • Articles

Institutionalism is probably the least helpful theory towards understanding the major events in the history of European integration.

Covid Nationalism

Mark Juergensmeyer • Sep 6 2020 • Articles

Populist protest against an imagined global intrusion of pandemic restrictions is largely an American phenomenon. Like the virus, it easily spreads and may become a perfect storm globally.

Fear and Freud in Politics: Critical Notes on Mearsheimer’s Structural Realism

Robert Schuett • Sep 4 2020 • Articles

We can use Freudian psychoanalytical theory as one possible way to look at how structures in world politics can be explained and tested for their resilience.

Re-Worlding China: Notorious Tianxia, Critical Relationality

Chih-yu Shih • Sep 2 2020 • Articles

China’s compliance as gift-giving is testing how ready the Western IR is to deny an intensively mutually constituted China as sheer stranger.

Fear as Driver of International Relations

Muqtedar Khan and Isa Haskologlu • Sep 2 2020 • Articles

Fear is a primal instinct that is necessary for survival and it shapes human choices and actions in all spheres of life, including international relations.

Opinion – Iraq’s Toughest Challenge: Controlling the Iranian-backed Militias

Mehmet Alaca • Sep 1 2020 • Articles

Although the efforts of reorganizing the PMF seem to continue, it is hard to fully control them in the short term considering Iran’s militia strategy.

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