
The Whispering Prussian: Clausewitz and Modern Wars

Muhammad Alaraby • Oct 21 2020 • Articles

Clausewitz forged the most provocative framework of thinking about war as a human affair of passion, unpredictability and reason.

Opinion — Less Money, More Sustainability? Foreign Aid, Civil Society, and COVID-19

Christopher L. Pallas • Oct 21 2020 • Articles

COVID-driven contractions in foreign and government funding for civil society organisations need not undermine the health of the civil society sector.

The Internet Governance Paradox

Jaqueline Trevisan Pigatto • Oct 20 2020 • Articles

Concerns regarding the rights of users, and human rights in general, are being nationalized and fragmented by different uses of the Internet – especially between the US, Europe and China.

Opinion – The Unimpressive Nature of the Artemis Accords

John Hickman • Oct 19 2020 • Articles

The document, purporting to articulate international norms for the development of the Moon, Mars and other celestial objects of economic interest, risks being no more than a fiction.

The Irrelevance of Soft Power

Ilan Manor and Guy J. Golan • Oct 19 2020 • Articles

The 21st century will be characterized by competition among China, India and the US. The question facing every nation is what they can offer to pave the way towards new strategic alliances.

Local Autonomy in the Global Context

Dyan Dunsmoor-Farley • Oct 16 2020 • Articles

In the complex constellations of the global/local, the constituent parts are continuously shifting; nothing is sustained forever.

Gender Representation in IR Journals: Experience from Indonesia

Ella S Prihatini • Oct 16 2020 • Articles

Does research influence foreign policy-making, or does it work the other way around, in which foreign policy dictates the themes, narratives, and scientific conversations?

The India-China Conflict in the Himalaya Should Break Open IR Theory

Alexander Davis • Oct 15 2020 • Articles

India and China are locked in a great power clash over the Himalaya. And yet, IR’s failure to go beyond a state-centric view of the story may likely lead to a catastrophic ending.

Opinion – Bidenomics: US Trade Policy under a Biden Presidency

Holger Janusch • Oct 15 2020 • Articles

While we can expect changes in the negotiation approach if Biden should be elected president, US trade policy will not go back to ‘business as usual’.

Opinion — Cloaked to Invisibility: Circular Migrants in India

Harshita Sinha • Oct 13 2020 • Articles

While migrant workers have the constitutionally guaranteed right to move, reside and work across India, their presence in the city remains peripheral

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