
COVID-19 and Online Activism: A Momentum for Radical Change?

Julie Uldam and Tina Askanius • Aug 21 2020 • Articles

Nordic climate activist groups and NGOs try to appeal to hope rather than despair as they present involvement in their tactics as a means to counter negative feelings.

Return to Nationality: The Sustainable Way to Gain International Recognition

Ce Liang and Andrew X. Li • Aug 20 2020 • Articles

If a rising power truly cares about its international stand and reputation, the optimal status seeking strategy in the long run is to invest in the overall well-being of its people.

Deterrence and Fear: Incorporating Emotions into the Field of Research

Amir Lupovici • Aug 20 2020 • Articles

Fear, which is a ‘basic emotion directed at a specified object that prompts an adaptive response: fight or flight’, plays a significant role in the practices of deterrence.

A Blessing in Disguise: UAE’s Possible Scenarios for a Post-COVID-19 World

Reem Saeed • Aug 19 2020 • Articles

The UAE has made a great progress in meeting its Vision 2021 National Agenda. However, the COVID-19 pandemic is threatening to halt or reverse the gains of the last decade.

What Determines The Implementation of Civil War Peace Agreements?

Anurug Chakma • Aug 16 2020 • Articles

Perspectives ranging from commitment theory and the spoiler model, to the peace–justice framework, political regime and leadership theories explain why some agreements relapse while others continue.

Opinion – US-China Rivalry: Moving Closer to the Brink

William Briggs • Aug 16 2020 • Articles

We see a capitalist titan upon which the sun is setting and another whose moment appears to be at hand. To imagine that the US will allow a changing of the guard is ludicrous.

Opinion – Confronting Israel’s Annexation Plans: From Fear to Hope

Mohammed Abu-Nimer • Aug 13 2020 • Articles

The South African example of transformation from the Apartheid system taught us that we cannot give up on the hope that both Israelis and Palestinians can live in dignity and security.

Opinion – The US and Nord Stream 2 Geopolitics

Ragul Palanisami • Aug 12 2020 • Articles

Nord Stream 2 has further exposed the divisions within EU and allowed the US to have a balancing impact on the varying interests of different European countries.

Why the West Needs to Stop its Moralising against China

Kerry Brown • Aug 10 2020 • Articles

Knowledge, humility, and honesty will be the things that help the outside world deal with the historic challenge of China’s rise.

Trade, Industrialisation, and British Colonial Rule in India

Roberto Bonfatti and Björn Brey • Aug 10 2020 • Articles

British industrial productivity led to a century-long process of deindustrialisation. India was outcompeted by the industrial revolution in Britain

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