
The Ideological Securitization of COVID-19: Perspectives from the Right and the Left

Ugo Gaudino • Jul 28 2020 • Articles

The protection of physical safety, above all in times of pandemics, appears to be a mutually shared national security issue to treat in an objective and rational fashion.

Opinion – The Politics of Inclusion in Myanmar’s Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement

Ephraim Bassey Emah • Jul 28 2020 • Articles

The agreement could yield negative results for the politics of the country if it fails to achieve effective inclusion of different ethnic groups.

From the Third World to the Global South

Alina Sajed • Jul 27 2020 • Articles

The idea of Global South could not have emerged without the conceptual work done by the term Third World, and indeed without the legacy left by its historical landmarks.

Opinion – The Galwan Valley Standoff Could Spell the End of South-South Romance

Abdou Rahim Lema • Jul 26 2020 • Articles

The standoff underlines the fragility of the 1962 agreement between India and China and brings to light challenges to solidarity amongst the Global South.

COVID-19 and Tobacco Control

Luciana Borges and Henrique Menezes • Jul 26 2020 • Articles

There is a need for a renewed fight against tobacco prevalence as smoking nearly doubles the chances of patients developing complications and dying of Covid-19.

China-Venezuela Relations in the Context of Covid-19

Tonatiuh Fierro • Jul 26 2020 • Articles

China’s influence in Venezuela forces deeper reflection on its place in the world and the acquisition of responsibilities as a consequence of its rising global relevance.

Mercosur-Pacific Alliance Convergence: Moving Forward or Moving Nowhere?

Julia Borba Goncalves • Jul 24 2020 • Articles

The Mercosur-Pacific Alliance’s ‘Plan of Action’ provides the opportunity to reestablish regional coordination and integration in Latin America.

Horseshoe Theory and Covid-19

Hüseyin Pusat Kildiş • Jul 23 2020 • Articles

The far-left and far-right are supposedly opposites, yet both doubt science, promote conspiracy theories, and use Covid-19 to reach people and create chaos.

From Realism’s Disciplinary Dominance to a More Global IR

Michiel Foulon and Gustav Meibauer • Jul 23 2020 • Articles

If realists forgo exploring new avenues to address criticism, they may miss opportunities to contribute to a more global discipline and to better explain grand strategy beyond the West.

China-US Power Politics in the Pacific

Saber Salem • Jul 23 2020 • Articles

The Pacific is becoming a microcosm of military confrontation. This begs the question as to why China is so interested in the Pacific and where it leads.

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