
Meeting With the Opposition in Belarus

David R. Marples • Jul 23 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences meeting with Belarusian political opposition before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Opinion – Can Joe Biden Revive Transatlantic Relations?

Kareem Salem • Jul 22 2020 • Articles

If elected, Biden will have the task of balancing the interests of European allies while countering China’s growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific.

State-Building, Sovereignty and Migration Management in the Global South

Fiona B. Adamson and Gerasimos Tsourapas • Jul 22 2020 • Articles

State migration policy has a long history of being used as a means of creating or preserving a particular (often racialized) form of national identity.

Understanding Ukraine and Belarus: Advancing My Career

David R. Marples • Jul 21 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s experiences becoming a professor in Canada during the 1980s and 1990s, and during the Soviet “putsch” in August 1991.

COVID-19: An Opportunity for the Cambodian Government to Earn Trust

Len Ang and Kimkong Heng • Jul 21 2020 • Articles

the CPP-led government should show a commitment to engage in reforms and look after it citizens beyond the established patronage networks.

ASEAN ‘Cohesiveness and Responsiveness’ and Peace and Stability in Southeast Asia

Rizal Buendia • Jul 21 2020 • Articles

In spite of the outcomes generated by the ‘ASEAN Way’, it impedes making swift decisions on critical regional issues or trans-boundary concerns.

COVID-19 and the Economic Crisis in Argentina

Priscila Palacio • Jul 21 2020 • Articles

Even under the scenario of a foreign debt agreement and the gradual normalization of the economic activity, the outlook for the Argentine economy for the second half of 2020 is gloomy.

Understanding Ukraine and Belarus: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

David R. Marples • Jul 20 2020 • Articles

RFE/RL was an unusual place, especially the canteen where people of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe would gather together with German staff and British and American researchers.

Iterability and Newsweek’s Paradigm of Nigeria as ‘Black China’

Adagbo Onoja • Jul 20 2020 • Articles

A storyline proclaiming social transformation on the scale of contemporary China projects a positive trajectory for Nigeria, yet this idea is worth a closer reading.

Glasnost in Ukraine in the Aftermath of Chernobyl

David R. Marples • Jul 20 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences in Ukraine and the Soviet Union during the initial implementation of Glasnost.

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