
Analyzing Support for #TweetforTaiwan

As scholars debate the extent to which Covid-19 could reshape world order, the twitter storms from several recent incidents could shed light on this discussion.

Western Education about Eastern Europe

David R. Marples • Jul 19 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences as a history professor and PhD student in Alberta, Canada.

Surveying Opinion on Withdrawing US Troops from Afghanistan and South Korea

For Americans, contextual differences matter in this issue – something that should be reflected better in the political debate.

Reflecting on the Limitations of Academic Freedom

David R. Marples • Jul 17 2020 • Articles

For the first time in my experience, public opinion from outside the university had counted for more than scholarly achievement and peer evaluation within it.

Opinion – Re-election in Doubt: The Perfect Storm Approaches Donald Trump

Lucas Leite • Jul 16 2020 • Articles

The 2020 election may be more defined by the anti-Trump vote than by support for Biden, due to Trumps handling of Covid-19, policing and foreign policy.

The End of Enlightenment and the First Globalisation

Richard Whatmore • Jul 16 2020 • Articles

The 18th century perspective upon international relations may be bleak. It does, however, reveal the early conditions of globalisation.

Visiting Chernobyl and Kyiv in 1989

David R. Marples • Jul 16 2020 • Articles

In nuclear power, man had harnessed a monster. While it may be true that every form of power production has its dangers, nothing is as irrevocable as the effects of a nuclear accident.

Understanding Ukraine and Belarus in 2020

David R. Marples • Jul 15 2020 • Articles

In the former Soviet states, debates about the past are often the defining element of contemporary politics and Stalinism is still full of secrets yet to be discovered.

Opinion – Cambodia’s COVID-19 Success, Economic Fallout and Image Crisis

Kimkong Heng • Jul 15 2020 • Articles

Building on its COVID-19 successes, Cambodia must reverse its democratic drift, restore ties with the US and its allies, and step up its foreign policy ambitions.

Belarusian Tales: Chernobyl’s Impact on Belarus and More

David R. Marples • Jul 14 2020 • Articles

Both among the authorities and the opposition, there are good and bad people, there is no dividing line between them. That was also obvious in Communist times.

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