
The Inevitable Battleground for Competing Powers: Cyberwarfare

Mohammed Seid Ahmed and Makam Khan Daim • Oct 5 2020 • Articles

The competition between global powers to make cyberspace the next battleground will have a serious consequence for the rest of the world if not addressed collectively.

Fatigued Authoritarianism in Belarus?

Stephen G F Hall • Oct 4 2020 • Articles

Lukashenka’s presidency will most likely survive in a state of stagnation as he and his inner-circle hold onto power at all costs.

Assessing Securitization: China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Katja Banik and Jan Lüdert • Oct 4 2020 • Articles

As the Belt and Road Initiative unfolds, illusions underlying prevailing ideologies must be bridged by moving towards a global governance based on human values.

Comparative Regionalism’s Decolonial Turn: A Proposition

Densua Mumford • Oct 3 2020 • Articles

Through increased dialogue across various regions, comparative regionalism might evolve from being a field of colonial constructs to becoming a field of pluralistic dialogue.

What Are the Hindrances to the Study of Regionalism?

Albert Hayrapetyan • Oct 2 2020 • Articles

The increased interest in the study of regionalism and its conceptual, theoretical and methodological problems pose a serious challenge to this relatively new field.

NGOs and Transnational Non-State Politics

Thomas Davies • Oct 2 2020 • Articles

COVID-19 has provided new opportunities for transnational advocacy and the promotion of alternative ways of life, having brought to attention the failures of existing structures in world politics.

Without a Future: Gandhi, Childhood and Politics

Faisal Devji • Oct 1 2020 • Articles

By removing moral action from the grip of the future, Gandhi opened the present up to a variety of unforeseeable possibilities.

Beirut After the Explosion: The Effects on the Cultural Heritage and the Museums

It is necessary to put aside a colonial narrative for one that will allow for a sustainable and locally-owned management of future projects.

Opinion – Saudi Arabia’s Pivot to Asia

Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal • Sep 29 2020 • Articles

Upon celebrating its 90th anniversary, the Kingdom’s pivot to Asia reflects the intent of securing long-term economic and strategic cooperation with Asian powers.

Women, Peace and Security after Europe’s ‘Refugee Crisis’

Audrey Reeves and Aiko Holvikivi • Sep 28 2020 • Articles

Personal accounts deepen our understanding of the radical interconnectedness of violence against conflict-affected women taking place in both the North and the South, particularly along racial divides.

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